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Girlish Figures, Laser Lipo, Body Sculpting, fat loss, body goals
  • Do the procedures hurt?
    NO - NONE OF THEM. You may experience some bruising due to the vacuum/wood therapy. If you are prone to bruising, expect to leave with a few bruises, while rubbing skin with wooden tools to break up fat and contour your body, which may cause mild discomfort during the procedure. Bruising is not permanent and will go away within a couple days of your visit.
  • Do they require local anesthetic?
    NO, all are 100% noninvasive!
  • When Will I See Results?
    Results are immediate and vary from person to person! You will see loss after your first treatment and you will continue to see results day-by-day as the swelling subsides.
  • How many times can I do this weekly?
    Maximum of twice weekly in the same treatment area.
  • What will the results be?
    Results vary case by case. Many patients are satisfied after 6-10 treatments. However, during your consultation, we can discuss a treatment plan that will meet your specific treatment needs. We recommend two maintenance treatments per month after the original treatment.
  • Can we tell you how many sessions you will need?
    NO! I can only give you an estimation. Everybody’s body metabolism is different, and everyone has different body types and goals. You will see results after every session and we should be able to base it off that, how your body reacts to it. I recommend a minimum of 4 sessions for anybody, no matter size!
  • Are results permanent?
    YES! However, like any cosmetic treatment, results are permanent only with proper post care. We recommend exercising and healthier eating habits for a longer lasting result.
  • How long does it take?
    Depending on the services, 30-90 mins
  • Should I exercise?
    Yes, exercise for at least 20 to 45 minutes at least 3 times a week while you are receiving your treatments to stimulate and move lymph throughout the body. This will help with removing cavitated fat cells from the body. You can exercise immediately after your session. Your normal workout routine is recommended. This will MAXIMIZE your results.
  • Can I eat before my session?
    No! You should NOT eat within an hour before and an hour after treatment.
  • How much water should I drink?
    At minimum of 2 liters. Aim for 4 liters while being treated. Stay away from carbonated and sugary juices. Coffee and tea is allowed however avoid sugars and creams. The appropriate amount of water consumption will MAXIMIZE your results.
  • Can I return to normal activities after the procedure?
    Yes, all procedures are completely non-surgical. Typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve completely. Majority of patients return to work after the session is over.
  • Can everyone receive treatment?
    No. People with cardiac a vascular disease, diabetes, acute illness, comprised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pacemaker carriers should avoid undergoing the procedure.
  • Return/Refund Policy.
  • COVID-19 Policy
    All clients are required to have a mask, hands must be washed upon entering, no kids or extras. We will continue to disinfect before and after each client like always.


Frequently Asked Questions

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